01.14.18THRIVE | Joy-Full (John 16:16-24)ListenDownloadSeries: THRIVE | The Gospel of JohnCategory: ThriveSpeaker: Jake Magee
01.07.18THRIVE | Words to Thrive By (John 16:1-15)ListenDownloadSeries: THRIVE | The Gospel of JohnCategory: ThriveSpeaker: Jake Magee
12.31.17THRIVE | Guilt by Association (John 15:18-27)ListenDownloadSeries: THRIVE | The Gospel of JohnCategory: ThriveSpeaker: Glen Keeffe
12.24.17Surprised by Christmas | Surprised by Adoration (Matthew 2:1-12)ListenDownloadSeries: SURPRISED BY CHRISTMASCategory: ChristmasSpeaker: Jake Magee
12.17.17Surprised by Christmas | Surprised by Providence (Luke 2:1-7)ListenDownloadSeries: SURPRISED BY CHRISTMASCategory: ChristmasSpeaker: Jake Magee
12.10.17Surprised by Christmas | Surprised by GraceListenDownloadSeries: SURPRISED BY CHRISTMASCategory: SURPRISED BY CHRISTMASSpeaker: Jake Magee
12.03.17Surprised by Christmas | Adoption (Matthew 1:1-25)ListenDownloadSeries: SURPRISED BY CHRISTMASSpeaker: Glen Keeffe