beyond Sunday services...
Connecting with your FBC Family through ministries.
Children's Ministry: Nursery - 5th grade.
Director of Children's Ministry: Nicole Jaramillo
(360) 426-8461
Sunday School Nursery - 5th grade 9:00 & 10:30 am.
AWANA Bible Club. Pre K-5th grade Wed. 6:00 – 8:00 pm. {KID'S REGISTRATION} {VOLUNTEER'S REGISTRATION}
Summer Launch {VBS} "REGISTRATION" during seasonal event.
YOUTH MINISTRY: 6th - 8th grade
Contact: Pastor Joe Keris, 426-8461
HS Youth Mon. Youth Group 6:30 -8:30 pm. in C3 | 9-12th grades
MS Youth Wed. Youth Group 6:00 – 8:00 pm. in C3 | 6-8th grades
Women’s Ministry:
Women's Fellowship Events: 2nd Friday of each month.
Women's Bible Study. Tues. 6 pm. Rm. 204
Women's BSF "Revelation" Wed. 9 am. Rm. 205
Women's Bible Study. Thurs. 6 pm. Rm. 205
Men’s Ministry:
Men's Bible Study: Sat. 7:30 am. 2x a month. Contact the Office: (360) 426-8461
Men's BSF "Revelation" Our Hope. Tues. 6 pm. Rm. 101
“LiveWires” Senior Adults 55+ Retired
Contact the Office for Activities: (360) 426-8461
Potluck Fellowship 2nd Thurs. of each month. 12 noon @ FBC
Senior Men's Breakfast Last Wed. of each month. 8:00 am. @ FBC
Ushers / Greeters
Contact Pastor James (360) 426-8461
Ushers and Greeters - We're here to help guide, answer questions, and welcome you!
Visitors Welcome Team - We'll be glad to meet you!
Hearing Devices Available - Just ask! Our ushers will help you.
Contact Pastor James 360.426.8461
Security Team- We're here to help provide assistance and oversight to all who enter our facilities each Sunday and to be 1st responders in emergency situations. Team members are assigned 1 Sunday a month. Let us know if you are interested in joining our team.
Missions / Global and Local
Global Missions Contact (360) 426-8461
Missions - Sewing Group | Last Friday of the month. Rm. 101 6-8pm.
Prayer Ministry
FBC Prayer Chain: Our pastors/staff/elders and email prayer chain team are praying for you! Submit prayer requests by contacting 426.8461 or our email address: . Join us on Wednesdays, 12 noon in Rm. 205 to pray for one another. Submit prayer requests for others, with their permission first. Questions about our ministries: contact 360.426.8461